Juneau LIO

About Our Office:

It is the mission of the Juneau Legislative Information Office to facilitate communication between the Legislature and the public. Across the street from the State Capitol, our office works to coordinate all statewide teleconferences. Our staff makes understanding and participating in the Legislative process easy for our constituents. You can use the Juneau LIO to testify at hearings, learn to use the AK State Legislature website, find out more about the legislative process, as well as the many other ways that we help constituents to stay informed.

Media Services, an affiliate office of the Juneau LIO, handles streaming live committee meetings to our website, akl.tv. We also manage much of the statewide teleconference audio equipment, maintain a number of websites, handle staff and web photography, film interviews, and much more.


Contact Information:

State Capitol
Terry Miller Building, Suite 111
Juneau, AK 99801-1182

855-463-5009/toll free

[email protected]

Shelby Carroll - Manager, Information & Teleconferencing

Office Hours:

M-F 8:00AM - 5PM